September 21 2020 – Servio Anez

What's the biggest challenge you have through your work?
The biggest challenge was, or is, to find one's way around the environmental and
waste world. Every action has a consequence, and finding the best way forward can be tricky. Every day we are reminded how much is going wrong in this world now with the way we are living.
"I can hardly look at anything neutrally without imagining an ecological assessment"
However, I have consciously taken up this challenge, and have the greatest motivation to change and improve. Meanwhile, I have learned to look at things and actions holistically before I evaluate them. The issue of evaluation is another challenge. In addition, greenwashing and green marketing could also make such assessments more difficult.
I even see a big change in people's behaviour. I think it is just a process that has to go through several stages. I believe that the human being itself dislikes changes and is rather convenient. Especially since, it always goes to the so-called comfort zone. So much has happened in the last few years that I would almost call it a snowball. Before, I was the eco freak and today, it is absolutely salon able to collect trash and to walk through the city with your food and drinking cups. Fair Fashion Eco-products in all areas are getting easier and easier to buy. So, I think the easier the access to fair and environmentally friendly alternatives is, the more followers there will be.
"Because I believe in the good in comfortable people"
Do you see an implication in the next generation?Absolutely. Fortunately, the young generation is growing up with the right education and training. Besides comfort, ignorance is the next problem. Children still question everything and are curious.
"In my eyes they are our hope"
Tough question. I think we have forgotten the most important and most natural law of life and we have got used to an unnatural way of life and built it up that way. We have lost the balance between give and take, as well as the necessary fairness towards all forms of life. The change makers today, including us, want to restore exactly this balance. Exploitation and gluttony are one of the real sins. I believe that the greed for profit of some companies has contributed a lot to this. On the one hand, I would not only like to demonize this development, we have also received a lot of positive feedback, except for the fact that things are getting better here in the West and everything is getting worse on the other side, which is the wrong way. So many people who still don’t know, or do not want to know at all.
"This is currently a slow process"
But nevertheless I believe that we can still make it. At the moment it is clearly still far too little. Money still plays the most important role in decision-making, so the process will continue.
Since you started to work in this field, have you seen any major changes in our Ocean, like species in dangers of extinction, shark getting closer to the shore, etc..."I fear serious changes here, and that we have already caused so much chaos that
our wildlife will suffer greatly"
Mmmh, unfortunately I know nothing about that. I think about sharks, but while
surfing I am much more afraid of currents and flying surfboards.
"I think we have to
protect sharks, and we need a lot of education about these amazing animal"
You are the Founder of Stilabunt, can you tell us more about that?
Stilabunt will be a specialized online marketplace with networking space for fair and eco-friendly water and outdoor sports.
"Our mission is to unite sport and environmental protection and ultimately to become a platform for circular economy within the water and outdoor sports industry"
Thereby athletes, the water and outdoor sports industry, suppliers as well as the related tourism and event sector are globally networked and brought together on a supply and demand platform. Why we communicate the topic of circular economy right from the start is a strategic decision. The first necessary step in building such an infrastructure is to bring together all necessary parties on one platform. This is exactly where Stilabunt offers the solution through the online marketplace, the networking space and the associated business directory. The consolidation of all important parties happens one way or another and the topic of recycling management within an industry can be enabled in a later step. For example, for the implementation of a circular flow shipping packaging, the private customer, the brand with the products and the company for the shipping packaging must act together.
"A further goal is to provide our growing community and people all over the world
with easy and trustworthy access to a large and constantly growing range of
environmentally friendly and fair products around water and outdoor sports"
We also want to create the bridge between online and local commerce. An essential function of Stilabunt, is the Store Finder. This can be used by brands to indicate local shopping opportunities.
"Due to the Corona situation, we also emphasized the importance of synergy between local and online retail"
Since the COVID-19, did it affect what you do?My main job as a salaried environmental and waste management had to be
changed to short-time work. Therefore, only 60% of my salary and therefore Stilabunt had to be put on hold for the time being. Now I can only slowly pay the software development. But I also see the positive side here and concentrate on this. The obvious negative, which can't be changed and has affected everyone individually, I have simply accepted. If one accepts a problem, it continues somehow automatically. I believe that we can draw all chances from the Corona crisis.
In my vision we can trust companies that produce our consumer goods. That all
companies fully accept their responsibility for people, animals and the planet. We
finally realize that this world is one, and we must live as a collective. A simple shifting of problems is not the solution. You cannot protect any part of the air or water. And simply moving waste to another country, in the sense of being out of sight, is a legal crime. Despite this, we should start to look at things not just in black and white, but to understand the bigger picture. Just like the fact that the sun always casts a shadow, but a shadow can also have a good thing.
"I hope that we learn to live more consciously and be aware of our power for change"
Do you feel you are also an inspiration for other women?
I hope that my message has inspired at least one person in this world. In the sense that every single person can become a world saviour through their actions.
"And yes, also that we women, can certainly start a business and be equally employed in professions. Here we all work very hard to achieve this! "
Thanks :) We look forward to discovering more about Stilabunt