Gabriel Novis: The new kid on the block
July 02 2018 – Annie Gagne

- Tell us about yourself. Where are you from? Where do you currently live?
I am from a small tropical city in Brazil called Maceio and I am now living in Los Angeles.
- Tell us about some of your hobbies and passions.
Be around the ocean, surf, skate and create whatever I can.
- Tell us how did you get started and involve in photography and film making)?
My dad has a photography background and used to shoot surfing so I grew up watching him playing with his cameras.
- What do you prefer the most; Photography or film making?
Depends of my mood and the project! I like filming when I have enough money and structure to make a nice project otherwise I prefer to shoot stills.
- Who and what inspire you ?
The universe and the unknown
- How would you describe your style of work?
All over the place. hahaha, I don't even know I have a style, some people say I do but who knows…
- Any photography/film making project you will like to accomplish?
I am really excited to start a new surf film project, I can't tell the name yet but already have all the ideas on my mind. Where is the money?
- Where would be your dream destination assignment?
I think that right now I can only think about Philippines.
- If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why?
35 mm but then I would't be able to shoot surfing hahaha. Can I get a 10 - 500 mm? hahaha
- Everything now is about photoshop, how important is Photoshop in your final images?
Sometimes I don't even use it. It depends a lot if the project will require it or not. I like shooting in film so the way the photo comes out is the way we show it to the world.
- What is your favourite image you have shot recently?
A selfie I took this morning in the bathroom. hahaha, I have no idea.
- What advice do you have for somebody who wants to pursue a career in photography/film making?
Don't do it, or you will be broke. hahaha, It’s super fun and if you really do love it try to keep learning and go for it! It's super rewarding to see your projects out there and people watching it.
- What would you like to be doing in 5 years from now?
I wanna be a big commercial / surf film director and be able to make money doing projects that reflect my style and my thoughts.
- Anything you will like to share with us?
Sorry, not sorry.. ( that's prob the name of my upcoming surf film. )