Noorish Retreat X Sea Together TOFINO

February 21 2020 – Servio Anez

Noorish Retreat  X Sea Together TOFINO
Noorish Retreat X Sea Together TOFINO

Meet Liv Hung from Noorish Tofino

Where you're from and where you are currently living?

I am from Vancouver, BC Canada and I live in Vancouver and Tofino

What’s your background?

My work background is in digital marketing and communications planning. I have a degree in business specializing in Marketing and I have worked in advertising agencies, taught at universities and work also as a freelance consultant.

How did you come up with the idea to create Noorish Tofino?

I wanted to bring women of all backgrounds and diversity together and experience adventures in a safe space. After becoming a mother and realizing how much of your energy goes into your children and running a family, I wanted to getaway to a retreat to have a little time to replenish myself. I had attended other female-only retreats before and loved the idea of meeting other incredible women and forging lifelong friendships.

Being able to try new things in a group gave me the courage to explore and to push myself.

It also gave me time and space to unwind from the hecticness of family life so I could come back to my loved ones feeling rejuvenated. I wanted to give my guests that experience. 

Tell us a bit more about Noorish Tofino?

Noorish Tofino runs yoga and adventure retreats in partnership in various locations around the world. In 2019 we held our first ever retreat in southern Morocco in partnership with Spot-M and Dryftwater Sports, led by myself and retreat leader Liz Finkle-Sans who is a dear friend and a partner in both Spot-M and Dryft. We are partnered with Sea Together Magazine for an incredible Creative Surf Retreat coming up June 14-21, 2020 which is going to feature some very special guests to lead both art-driven and surf workshops and dialogue. It'll be a true coming together of the female spirit in the spectacular setting of Tofino, which is located on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

What Noorish Tofino offer?

We offer women-only yoga and adventure retreat trips to Morocco and Tofino on request. We will be putting information about soon about a trip to Southern Baja, Mexico for the end of this year.

What makes your Retreat so unique and special?

It's all about the people and the care we put into our guests. It's YOUR dream retreat and I would like to do what it takes to make it happen. I partner with some of the most fantastic people who truly excel in their field of work; it's their passion and it shows. I welcome women of all experience levels of yoga, surf and travel to come - you don't need to have surfed before or been on a yoga mat to participate. Also as an avid traveler my whole life, I have a good eye for picking out unique spots that are up and coming and not your cookie-cutter type of travel experience. I am a fanatic also about details which I believe can make a good trip, spectacular. Our group sizes are small, ensuring the highest care and attention.

What are the coming dates/events and where?

  • Sea Together's Creative Surf Retreat - June 14-21, 2020 in Tofino, Canada
  • Southern Baja in partnership with Dryftwater Sports December 5-10, 2020
  • Mirleft, Morocco in early 2021 (Dates TBD) in partnership with Spot M

Why did you choose does location?

So much goes into choosing a location I could probably on and on about it! It's a combination of being a little off the beaten path, but with good access to various levels of surf, a variety of adventure activities and arts and culture would be some of the things I look at. And how long it would get to for our guests from North America.

What can I learn from a Retreat?

What I like to say is our trips provide a vessel, the time and space and some guided steps for you to deep dive into who you are. The "work" is done by you - we set up the conditions to allow you to blossom and thrive if that is what you are seeking. If you are looking for just fun and relaxation, we provide that too. It's really up to the guest and what they are looking for.

Tell us a bit more about wellness coaching?

Our wellness philosophy stems from being in nature and connecting with your inner self through yoga and meditative practices as well as guided journaling and talks. It is through inner reflection and listening to yourself where the breakthroughs can occur. 

What inspires You?

So much! Other strong women who are living their life to the fullest and carving out alternative ways to earn a living in tandem with what they love. My children are so vivacious and are so grateful and at the moment. My husband who is so driven and hardworking.

What's your most memorable Retreat or life experience?

Leading a trip to Morocco last year was definitely a highlight of the year. It felt so good to see how much our guests loved their time with us in Morocco and how some of our guests transformed during the week. In terms of life experience, I have had a lot of good adventures through traveling but nothing tops just simply being a mother to my children. It's the everyday little moments that are truly special.

Why you will recommend a Retreat?

It's a great way to make time and space for yourself. We live such busy lives in the modern world and it's hard to sometimes just unwind and tune into yourself. A retreat is a perfect place to slow down. It's also a great way to perhaps do something outside of your comfort zone whatever that may be traveling by yourself and meeting new friends, learning a new sport or pushing yourself physically. And as I mentioned above, it's a great way to meet life long friends as you bond over these special experiences. 

Partners Sea Together Magazine &Dryft Water Sports.