June 20 2019 – Annie Gagne

Laure Marnas also is known as Lorcolors. Born in the Southeastern part of France, she fell in love with the Southwestern region of France where she decided to move to Seignosse, since 6 years ago.
The Artist behind the Lor Print in Collaboration with Akela Surf <Surfwear Collection 2019>
Credit Photo: Céline Hamelin
Can you explain what you do in 100 words?
I am a pluridisciplinary artist. I use color as the main material, under various type such as spray paint, colored pigments, tie and dye to create paintings, textile design, urban and street art.
How's the art scene where you live?
There is a significant art scene in the South West of France, with numerous artists. The proximity with the ocean, the climate, the surf culture provides numerous sources of inspiration. There are collectivities of the emerging artist developed in the area. Some of them are very dynamic and involved in regular artistic events where sometimes the various artist's communities merge for one single event such as street art...
The main artistic association are ‘la Galerie LA ”, “Tout va bien” or “Container”.
What's your background?
I studied arts, from college, then I went to Paris and graduated at « Ecole d’Art appliquées Duperré” in the textile design section.
Credit Photo: Céline Hamelin / Surfboard lorcolorschappy shape
How did you get involved and started painting?
When I was 15 I was interested in arts, and I started to study applied arts. Then after university, I started to paint and work on various projects about “coloring the town”.
Where do you get inspiration from?
South East of France is very rich and intense in colors and lights. This is something I always needed. When I was living in Paris, I found the town dark and somber where Colors and lights were desperately missing.
My first project was “street’s mood”; I wanted to add some form of poetry over the streets. I designed colored ladies profiles I posted over naked walls in Paris. Since I live in the Southwestern part of France I have new inspirations and new energy arising from surf riding. The proximity with the ocean, the overwhelming nature are never-ending sources of inspiration
Credit Photo: An Lalemant
Any artists you will like to meet one day?
I would love to meet Katharina Grosse, Sam Gillian, and Cruz Diez.
When I’m painting walls, for instance, I use these raw materials as a canvas where I spray colors over. The color is like a link between the structure and the people. I want the audience to feel the color in the most intense way. Therefore they can experiment, feel and see the artwork in many different ways and from various point of view. Color sprays' create some form of vibrations anyone can feel.
Credit Photo: lorcolors
What role does the artist have in society?
An artist can offer a new point of view, he or she can help people to ask themselves questions about an artwork, an artist can transmit energy and develop a new eye.
How has your practice change over time?
The practice did not change but the medium I use did.
Credit Photo: Julien Clavier
What a typical day look like in your studio?
In the morning I often start on the administrative part of the job, working on new projects, developing communication.
In the afternoon I spend my time creating new textile, paintings, experimenting with new techniques. I also always try to find some time to go surfing!
Credit Photo: Céline Hamelin
What's the biggest and project you have in mind, want to accomplish?
I wish I could exhibit huge textile artistic installation and perform massive walls paintings all around the world!
Any recommendation you want to give to someone that wants to become an artist?
Work with passion, curiosity, and never give up!
Many Thanks to Laure Marnas!
Credit Photo: Logan Thomas
Lor Print in Collaboration with Akela Surf <Kahanu & Jody>
Credit Photo Cover: Julien Clavier