Meet the Sisters Maddie and Ava Lavender
June 05 2019 – Annie Gagne

Maddie and Ava Lavender
They are both extremely active competitive surfers on the East Coast Florida. They compete and train weekly with coaches and work really hard. They are our newest addition to the team and we add the chance to have a little chat with them.
- What made you want to start surfing in the first place?
ML: I started surfing when I was little my Dad always surfed and shared that with me at an early age pushing me Into waves in his board.
AL: My Dad grew up surfing and ever since I was tiny he was pushing me Into white water. It all started there.

- What was the hardest part of learning to surf?
ML: The hardest part of learning to surf for me was catching up with the kids I was competing with I started competing a little later so always had to work really hard to keep up with great competitors in my district.
AL: The Hardest thing about learning to surf I think was probably when I first started learning to paddle out and it took a lot of practice and strength I needed to work hard to develop.
- What's the feeling of surfing?
ML: I love surfing because it’s a stress relief it helps me disconnect from stressors and helps me appreciate the outdoors while staying active and pushing myself.
AL: The feeling I get when I surf is pretty carefree. I don’t really think of anything other than experiencing the ocean and that’s super rad.
- You have been competing, for how long?
ML: I’ve been competing for almost 4 years.
AL: I have been competing for 3 1/2 years

- What do you like most about the competition?
ML: What I like most about competing is it hold me accountable and keeps me pushing myself in my skills.
AL: My favorite part of competing is the energy it gives me when I surf and I get to work towards goals.
- What is your opinion about Surfing in the Olympic?
ML: I think surfing in the Olympics is really great because it will give surfing a bigger platform and help surfing be taken more seriously as an official sport.
AL: I think Surfing becoming an Olympic sport is really awesome! Surfing is an all around challenging sport to master and having it on an Olympic level is very exciting.
- It's it your goal to go to the Olympic?
ML: It would be a dream to go to the Olympics one day and compete at that level.

AL: It would be great to be in the Olympics someday, for now, my personal goals are to continue to work on getting better in my surfing and if that led to the Olympics that would be really awesome.
- Where is your favorite surf spot you compete?
ML: My favorite surf spot of new Smyrna because they have a lot of variety of waves to choose from and a really spread out the lineup.
AL: My favorite surf spot to compete is New Smyrna Inlet. When the waves are good there’s a lot of variety of waves. Lefts, rights and split peaks
- Where is your home (surf spot)?
AL:: My home break is Ponce Inlet, Florida.
- What do you love about surfing in Florida?
ML: My favorite thing about surfing in Florida is there’s normally always something to surf even if it’s small.

AL: I love surfing in Florida because the water is normally really blue and warm in summer and spring and winters don’t last too long.
- Are you scared of a shark?
ML: I’m pretty scared of sharks I try not to think about it.
AL: I’m a little scared of big sharks. We get a variety of little sharks and they don’t scare me too bad.
- Who's your best partner to surf with?
I love surfing with my friends at my home break, I have some very talented friends I get to surf with regularly and we push each other in a great way. And of course, I love surfing with my Dad and sisters and teaching my littlest sister to enjoy ocean life.

AL: My favorite people to surf with are my friends at my home break, my sister Madison and my Dad
- Do you have other passion and interest?
ML: I’m working on belt transitions in Taekwondo, I love playing Ukulele and guitar.
AL: Aside from surfing I do martial arts working on earning new belts in Taekwondo and love to ride my Carver Skateboard.
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SPONSORS: FireWire Surfboards, Catalyst Surfshop, Headhunter Suncare, Akela Surf