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Confession of a Surfer Girl
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March 30 2020 – Annie Gagne
Sisters of Surf Film
We met with Ramon Brockington from Sisters of Surf Film Hello, where you're from and where you are currently living? I grew up in a small town by the name of Georgetown located in South Carolina. Honolulu Hawaii is now home. Tell us a bit more about the Sisters of Surf project? I think I sorta dreamt about it...
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March 09 2020 – Annie Gagne
Sisters of the Sea
For the International Women's Day, we met with Erin Miller and Samantha Ryan from Sisters of the Sea Samantha “Sam” Ryan. President, Sisters of the Sea Hello Erin, tell us a bit about yourself? I grew up in Jacksonville, FL and moved to the beach when I was 19 and started surfing. I currently live in Ponte Vedra Beach. I started surfing when...
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February 21 2020 – Servio Anez
Noorish Retreat X Sea Together TOFINO
Meet Liv Hung from Noorish TofinoWhere you're from and where you are currently living? I am from Vancouver, BC Canada and I live in Vancouver and Tofino What’s your background? My work background is in digital marketing and communications planning. I have a degree in business specializing in Marketing and I have worked in advertising agencies, taught at universities and...
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January 30 2020 – Servio Anez
Globo Surf Product Review One Piece NoWave
Globo Surf Product Review One Piece NoWave This product will be available 15 of February, in the Collection Artesia Stay Tuned! The Akela Surf one-piece NoWave surf suit is a cute and versatile piece of gear that does almost everything right. It won’t stretch to cover the extremes but that is not what it is supposed to do, and for the...
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January 26 2020 – Annie Gagne
Surf Girl Eats
We met with Pamela Ellgen from Surf Girl Eats to find more about her and yummy recipes for surfer girls. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and didn't swim in the ocean until my late teens. When I moved to California, as an adult, I fell in love with surfing. I've been hooked ever since. I studied writing...
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January 22 2020 – Annie Gagne
Artist Chapman at Sea
A few years ago, we had the chance to meet Tasha Chapman, in Cocoa Beach Florida, a passionate and talented artist. We have been following her arts and evolution through these years and enjoying the vibe, colors palette and inspiration reflected in each piece. I’m Tash Chapman and I go by Chapman at Sea, which is really more of a brand name for...
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January 17 2020 – Annie Gagne
We are stoked to show you the 2020 Active Swim Limited Edition ECO-FRIENDLY COLLECTION ENERGETIC MADE OF RECYCLED PLASTIC BOTTLES #savetheocean #savetheturtles #ecofriendlysurf The ENERGETIC active swim collection Made of Eco-Friendly Fabric. REPREVE fiber is a component of recycled plastic bottles. Lets your body move freely in eclectic colors! UPF 35+ Quick-dry Moisture free Repreve Fiber Maximize flexibility and maintains shape Chlorine Resistant...
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December 29 2019 – Annie Gagne
Eco-Friendly Swimwear
What it's made of an Eco-Friendly Swimwear? We are welcoming the 2020 and are pretty stocked to introduce more eco-friendly fabrics and products in our Collections. Here are some pieces of information about the fabric, product and why it's eco-friendly. What is mean eco-friendly swimwear? 'Eco' friendly is a term to refer to goods considered to inflict minimal or no harm to the...
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October 14 2019 – Annie Gagne
HOW TO PLAN YOUR FUN AND SAVE SURF TRIP Its the time of the year to plan your next surf trip, or maybe your first trip. So Exciting! Maybe you are also planning to travel alone, with friends or family, in your country or you have decided to take the plane and discover a new place. We have been surfing and traveling...
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August 03 2019 – Annie Gagne
For all surfers, the best way to surf would be surfing more! But, adding these yoga tactics will contribute to developing health that is capable of flexibility and balance needed for your surfing. This summary of the top 5 yoga positions for surfing would help you on your own, or you can also do a yoga class in person. Surfing demands a lot...
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June 24 2019 – Annie Gagne
Originally from North of Montreal, QC, Lydia Ricard started surfing 5 years ago. Now living in Tofino, she represents well the Surf in Canada CREDIT: @bryannabradleyphotography Where did you learn how to surf? I surfed for the first time in Costa Rica, but I learned how to surf in Tofino. Where is your home, surf spot? Tofino, BC What made you want to surf Longboard? The fact that you...
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June 20 2019 – Annie Gagne
Laure Marnas also is known as Lorcolors. Born in the Southeastern part of France, she fell in love with the Southwestern region of France where she decided to move to Seignosse, since 6 years ago. The Artist behind the Lor Print in Collaboration with Akela Surf <Surfwear Collection 2019> Credit Photo: Céline Hamelin Can you explain what you do in 100...
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June 05 2019 – Annie Gagne
Meet the Sisters Maddie and Ava Lavender
Maddie and Ava Lavender They are both extremely active competitive surfers on the East Coast Florida. They compete and train weekly with coaches and work really hard. They are our newest addition to the team and we add the chance to have a little chat with them. What made you want to start surfing in the first place? ML: I started surfing...
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June 05 2019 – Annie Gagne
Miriam Tymiec W A K E U P S T O K E D Live a life that makes you wake up feeling stoked Whats your background?I’m from Munich, Germany, where I grew up. I always loved traveling, studied in Italy and Portugal and learning kitesurfing finally made me completely travel-addicted to chase the wind and sunshine. I studied graphic design and...
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May 09 2019 – Annie Gagne
7 Unmissable Surfing Spots in the World
7 Unmissable Surfing Spots Around the World Training to be a surfer is one of the best things you can do to maintain your fitness as you enjoy hanging around the beaches. Surfing requires you to master the movement of the waves rocking against you as you maintain a steady balance.Some consider the best trips to the beach involve some...
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May 01 2019 – Annie Gagne
Paddling with Purpose with Torey Jovick
Paddling with Purpose and Confidence with Akela Surf! Torey Jovick at the beach talking about preparing for the 80 mile Paddleboard journey across the ocean from the Bahamas to Florida, Crossing For A Cure benefiting Pipers Angels Foundation. Feeling Confidence, movement, and style with Akela Surf Line! Click on the YouTube Link to watch the video: Join me...
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April 26 2019 – Servio Anez
I’m Amy Schwartz. I grew up in East Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia I (mostly) live in Halifax. My home surf spot is near where I grew up as well as Lawrencetown Beach, Martinique Beach and a few other spots, I can’t say or this interview would have to self destruct hahaha! Tell us a bit more about your business Unleash Surf?...
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April 03 2019 – Annie Gagne
LINEUP, Surf Swimsuit 10 REASONS WHY YOU MUST HAVE THE LINEUP ONE PIECE FOR YOUR NEXT SURF TRIP! We have created a unique Surf One Piece, the LineUp and tested by all our Surfer Ambassadors. Made in Duck Tex Fabric, Our exclusive skin fabric technology, give you a swimsuit that’s simply better and more useful than a regular Lycra fabric....
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